Certified, Insured, & Exempted
Our team is made up of FAA Certified pilots. In addition, a $3 mil aeronautical ins. policy, a $1 mil dollar vehicle policy, and FAA night time waivers.
Aerial Experts
We live and breathe drones! Our business is centered on aerial media and data acquisition, so we’re well-versed in UAV technology, the National Airspace System, and safe operation.
Full-Time Remote Pilots
This isn’t a side gig for us. We operate full-time which means more flight experience, more available time for projects, and a sole focus on providing the very best aerial services.
We Invest In You!
Our expansive drone fleet is comprised of a variety of platforms including industrial heavy lifters, professional dual-operator aerial camera rigs, the latest imaging technology, and more.
Years of RC Experience
Long before the rise of drones, the team was very accustomed to radio-controlled vehicles. We’ve spent many hours operating anything from RC planes and helicopters, to boats and cars.
Worldwide Availability
We currently work with clients across the United States. Our fleet is portable (and airline friendly), so we can come to you, even when that means leaving our home territory in the Midwest.
It all begins with an idea.
With the rapid rise of the drone industry over the last year, the amount of businesses entering the marketplace and offering aerial services has increased exponentially. Much more goes into operating a professional, high-quality, safety-conscious drone company than simply purchasing and flying a drone. We take great pride in offering premier aerial drone services for our clients!
Meet the Team
Chris Aldrich
Principal Partner
Phil Myers
Principal Partner
Zak Kohloff
Autumn Stevens
Marketing/Projects Coordinator
Matt McVicker
Aviation Advisor
Josh Goodman
FPV Specialist